The World Ending War

A war that was responsible for the brief, yet impactful, end of Kaivem. More importantly, however, this war resulted in the destruction of Kaivara and the Firsts. This made way for another set of deities to take on the mantal of Kaivem.

The Beginning

Kaivem lived in a tense harmony several centuries, under the thoughtful watch of the Fundemental Firsts, who watched over the mortal ridden planes. The mortals of this time were very different to current day mortals. They were only categorized in five different groups who had much variance in their appearances and features. These races, thought to be the original races that most current day mortals, beasts, and monster derive from, are lost to time. Though it is believed they existed, there is not record of them aside from two beings formed from that, the Firsts of War.

Though the Fundamental Firsts had some freedom on how they reigned over the Material Plane, they were forever watched by their "Mother", the Creator of Worlds, Kaivara. She held the final say in all, and threatened them with the loss of their power over the world if they did not meet her demands.

It became a suffocating game for the Fundamental Firsts, who wanted to be able to freely govern the world that they played a part in making. And so, they planned a revolt. They knew, however, that by themselves they stood no chance against the one who had made them. So, to help strengthen their forces, they gathered with the Elemental Firsts. They offered, in return for helping in their fight against Alvara, the ability to create within the Material, Feywild, and Shadowfell planes, instead of being confined to their respective Elemental Planes.

The Elemental Planes accepted this offer, joining forces with the Fundamental Firsts to confront Kaivara. Kaivara did not take this lightly, deciding to move forward with her threat of taking their rights to the world away from them. And thus marked the beginning of what is now known as the World-Ending War.

The Firsts of Conflict